About Book Series

English Česky

Jews – History – Memory

The aim of this series is to provide Czech-speaking experts and the general public with access to current international research on modern Jewish history and culture in the Bohemian Lands (today, the Czech Republic) and central Europe from the eighteenth century to the present. It is a response to the lack of quality publications in Czech and an endeavour to inspire further Czech research on the Jewish history. The series focuses on a period of extraordinary change in Jewish (and non-Jewish) society: the emancipation of the Jews, changes in Jewish religion, their linguistic, social, political, and professional and academic inclusion into society, as well as the limits of such inclusion, the rise of modern antisemitism, the Shoah, migration, and the question of Jewish refugees, as well as the status of the Jewish community under the Communist regime. It includes both original works by Czech experts and translations of foreign works. The series supports a multidisciplinary approach, including social and cultural history.

The series is published by Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, and is prepared by the Institute of Contemporary History and the Masaryk Institute and Archives,  both at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Kateřina Čapková and Michal Frankl

Editorial board:
Benjamin Frommer, Hillel Kieval, Ines Koeltzsch, and Michael L. Miller.

Vol. I: Moravští Židé v době emancipace
Michael L. Miller

Vol. II: Budování státu bez antisemitismu?
Michal Frankl, Miloslav Szabó

Vol. III: Praha rozdělená i sdílená
Ines Koeltzsch

Vol. IV: Jen pro peníze? Pražské židovské elity v 19. století – skupinová biografie
Martina Niedhammer

Vol. V: Příští rok v Mariánských Lázních. Ztracené světy židovské lázeňské kultury
Mirjam Zadoff

Vol. VI: Židé nebo Němci? Německy mluvící Židé v poválečné střední Evropě
Kateřina Čapková – David Rechter (eds.)

Vol. VII: Národní hrdinové – židovské oběti. Holocaust v českém podání
Peter Hallama






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