Czechoslovakia and the Brichah

9 May 2023, 5:00 pm CET

About Location / Accom.

Anna Kroupová (Charles University)

The talk will focus on the activities of the illegal Zionist movement Brichah in the context of the history of Central and Eastern Europe. As a case study for my research on the Brichah movement, I have chosen post-war Czechoslovakia, which became an important transit hub for thousands of Jewish survivors fleeing Eastern European countries for Palestine.

Modern Jewish History Seminar in Prague – Fall 2022

Masaryk Institute and Archives, Czech Academy of Sciences
Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences
Prague Center for Jewish Studies, Charles University

All seminars will be held online.
We will use the videoconferencing software Zoom. You can connect by following this link:

Please accept our invitation to the Modern Jewish History Seminar in fall 2022.

All sessions are in English.

Contact: Daniela Bartáková,

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